As part of the Better Hiring Institute's mission to make Hiring in the UK Faster, Fairer and Safer, we have worked alongside our consortium of experts to create a clear roadmap for government and industry to implement simple and actionable changes to change the way the we get people into work in the UK.

To find out more about our plans, please see below:

10 Point Action Plan for Faster Hiring

Getting people into jobs is crucial to growing the UK economy as well as helping fix key industries such as adult social care and education. Our 10 Point Plan for Faster Hiring will result in more than 200,000 more people working in the UK, as well as engaging at least 260,000 of the UK's economically inactive workforce. The plan will allow the UK to move towards one of the fastest ways to hire globally, in comparison to its current ranking as one of the slowest.

Follow this link to read our 10 Point Plan for Faster Hiring.

10 Point Action Plan for Fairer Hiring

To grow the economy and increase efficiency, the UK labour market must address barriers to fairness to more widely engage groups that are traditionally marginalised from the hiring process. We have sought to identify the most prominent barriers with our proposed solutions. Creating a fairer world of work should go some way to create a more productive labour market by creating meaningful long-term employment.

Follow this link to read our 10 Point Plan for Fairer Hiring.

10 Point Action Plan for Reducing Barriers

Almost 10 million people in the UK are classed as economically inactive, where they are of working age but are not seeking employment. Despite this, polls suggest that a large number of those classed as economically inactive would seek a return to work if they were able to. Our 10 Point Plan for Reducing Barriers looks to make obtaining work more attractive by maximising the available UK talent.

Follow this link to read our 10 Point Plan for Reducing Barriers.


Campaign updates

The Better Hiring Institute will soon be publishing 10-Point Action Plans for Safer Hiring.