The Blueprint for Better Hiring is the UK’s first guide on how the hiring process needs modernising.
The Blueprint for Better Hiring is a living document owned and updated by the Better Hiring Institute’s consortium of experts across multiple sectors, employers, and government.
It is designed to show what change is required within the hiring stages to drive the call for growth and make the UK labour market Faster, Fairer and Safer.
It is divided into four pillars, Future Hiring, Pre-Hiring, Hiring, and Onboarding. Each pillar is split into one-page sections of the component parts of the hiring process, for employers and work-seekers respectively.
Therefore, it can be seen in its entirety as an overall manifesto, or separately as a specific topic within the hiring process.
Our subcommittees and expert panels scrutinise and critique the Blueprint for Better Hiring to ensure that it truly reflects what is happening in hiring in industry.
If you would like to hear more about the Blueprint for Better Hiring, contact us at